"I covet a lot of these objects, but what I like about a gallery is that you can have an experience similar to browsing in a beautiful store, without the same pressures to buy something." -- Mari Eastman

Guest curated by Mari Eastman, The International Boutique for Middle-Aged Ladies opens at Goldfinch on Sunday, November 10th from 3-6pm and runs through Saturday, December 14th.


Eastman, whose own paintings draw heavily from the worlds of fashion, music, beauty and popular culture, has selected an array of paintings, photographs, ceramics, fashion and fabric works by artists currently living in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, the Bay Area and Toronto. Artists in the exhibition include Sammie Anselmo, Michel Auder, Olivia Booth, Tonna (Tony Marsh & Anna Sew Hoy), Caitlin Lonegan, Jason Meadows, Matt Morris, Gail Chadell Nanao, Jasmin Shokrian, and Margaux Williamson. The exhibition's tongue-in-cheek title tips its hat to the idea of the contemporary art gallery as a boutique frequented by patrons of a certain age. Although the artworks in the show can be purchased, Eastman's larger curatorial goal lies in creating a sense of atmosphere, a gallery exhibition experience that triggers a desire to look at and possess attractive things. Says Eastman, "I covet a lot of these objects, but what I like about a gallery is that you can have an experience similar to browsing in a beautiful store, without the same pressures to buy something."